The best thing a person can be in life is who he or she is.
Quite often in
life, there are conventional roles that are placed on individuals by society.
These roles are usually defined by stereotypes based by one’s race, gender,
ethnicity or social class. Many times,
people may suffer from existential anxieties in attempts to redefine themselves
as an individual apart from these set roles. Often, however, one may not live
to their fullest potential because it is metaphysically easier to simply fall
into these roles in attempts to obtain the acceptance of others than to be the
product of independent thought.
de Beauvoir refers to these roles and incapability to develop a unique identity
as “the other.” In Tennessee Williams’ tragedy play, The Glass Menagerie, there is a profuse amount of imposed gender
roles. This is especially true in the imposing of what the mother, Amanda
Wingfield’s idea of what femininity is on her daughter, Laura Wingfield. This
is evident from the very beginning when the family is discussing Laura’s lack
of “gentleman callers" and her ideas of what women should be to attract
and entertain these "gentleman callers" (Williams, Tennessee, 684).
According to De
Beauvoir, many people, like Amanda, are ultimately the other because they have
chosen to be. Amanda is the perfect example of a woman who enjoys her role as
other because it allows her to escape the anxiety of defining herself as
subject. It seems that when one does try to break free from other in attempts
to simply develop their own personality, they may suffer consequences that affect
the quality of life. Some of these punishments that one may suffer from is
shown in Amanda’s stringent unthoughtful criticisms toward her daughter (de
Beauvoir, 124).
Because Laura does
not get any suitable men trying to court her, Amanda is afraid she will not
have a man to take care of her and develops aspirations for her daughter to
become a secretary. Amanda signs Laura up for school in hopes that she can
develop a life for herself. This was never in Laura’s plans, however and
although she allows her mother to believe she is going to school, she really is
not. In a way, Laura feels the need to deceive her own mother and as a result
has to oppress herself around her own family in order to avoid hearing any
criticism or negative comments. This is dimly ironic because by not simply
being true to herself, Laura has multiplied the criticism because now, not only
does she get criticized for not attending her typing classes, but she gets
criticized for being deceitful as well. Amanda does not only question Laura’s
femininity in comparison to other people but also her entire adulthood. When
she finds out Laura has been lying to her she tells her, “I thought you were an
adult; it seems that I was mistaken” (Williams, 685).
The roles that are
imposed on people often leaves one in a state of delusion. In the case of
femininity, one can say that Amanda is delusional about what her daughter truly
wants to be like as she makes plans for what Laura's life and personality
should be according to her standards. Amanda covers her incapability to deal
with reality by focusing on Laura, through her criticisms and through her
unrealistic expectations. Rather than focusing on her own transcendence and
defining herself as an individual apart from these standards, she is focused on
hopes that Laura will fit the same standards, remaining in the same state of
immanence as her mother.
Laura, although
secretly defiant of her mothers’ imposing, is also in a state of self-delusion
and otherness because she often feels the need to create an illusion fitting of
Amanda's standards in order to avoid hearing criticism. She never wanted to go
to business school, she would have rather secretly explored, and she did.
During the hours where she was supposed to be at school, Laura was visiting the
museum, the park, the movies, shops, etc. Although she managed to do what she
wanted behind her mother’s back, her worries are evident as she explains the
reasons for lying to her mother. She did not just lie for the sake of being
deceitful. She lied because she did not want to disappoint her mother:
"Mother, when you're disappointed, you get that awful suffering look on
your face, like the picture of Jesus' mother in the museum! I couldn't face
it." This tendency to avoid disappointing the people around her, is what
inhibits Laura's genuineness from flourishing. (Williams, 686).
The very advice
given to Laura by her own mother proves that parenthood may be one of the
primary institutions within the patriarchy that emphasize the value of gender
roles in society. Too often, women are not understood in themselves independent
from men, but are defined and valued in terms of their relation to men. While
mothers like Amanda continue to give their daughters this kind of advice the
difficulty to define oneself independent from men will prevail, leaving many
women in a state of immanence. Women are highly capable of transcending, but
the traditional relationship between man and woman dooms many women to an
existence of immanence in which she never progresses or develops her own unique
identity (De Beauvoir, 128).Through imposing these traditional values on Laura,
Amanda is encouraging of this lack of progression. "It is proved that
there is a description of gender role socialization within mother-daughter relationship,
that Amanda has been socialized certain gender roles explicitly to Laura, by
using specific ways in socializing those gender roles" (Tungka &
Darta, 1).
Amanda warns Laura
of the consequences of not taking up the business career and plans that she has
made for her daughter. She asks of Laura, “what is there left but dependency
all our lives?” and warns her by depicting a horrible alternative life as the
consequence of not following Amanda’s plans, “I know so well what becomes of
unmarried women who aren’t prepared to occupy a position. I’ve seen such
pitiful cases in the South-- barely tolerated spinsters living upon the
grudging patronage of sister’s husband or brother’s wife!-- stuck away in some
little mouse-trap of a room-- encouraged by one in-law to visit another--
little birdlike women without any nest-- eating the crust of humility all their
life! Is that the future we’ve mapped out for ourselves?” She advises her
daughter that if she cannot make a business career of herself that she ought to
marry some nice man to depend on (Williams, 686-687).
Amanda, as a
dominant single mother tries to prepare Laura for the sole purpose of finding a
husband after failing to complete her classes. Amanda is filling her position
in a patriarchal institution by forcefully socializing the role of a housewife
to Laura through her advice. She wants Laura to stay "fresh and pretty--
for gentleman callers!" (Williams, 682).
Laurie Arliss
explains in her book Gender Communication that parenthood is one of main
foundations that result in the social conditioning of an individual because
parents are the very first agents of society in a child's life since birth.
While raising a child, parents react differently toward their child's behavior
in relation to their gender by reinforcing what is considered feminine
behaviors in girls and what is considered masculine behavior in boys. By
purposely preparing children for appropriate adult sex roles, one may never
transcend thus raising an individual who does not live to their fullest
potential. Some examples of social conditioning by parents is the rewarding of
'strong, solid and independent' behaviors in boys and 'loving, cute and sweet'
behaviors in girls. Children are also conditioned by the very beginning through
their toys as boys are usually playing with toy soldiers, cars and
participating in sports, while girls are surrounded by dolls and play kitchen
sets. Arliss refers to this condition as "anticipatory
socialization." On the reverse side, parents also may act negatively toward
behaviors deemed as the opposite of gender appropriate through either
disciplinary verbal sanctions or physical punishment. This negative
reinforcement is called "non-anticipatory socialization" (Arliss,
Amanda conditions
Laura by determining how she ought to behave in order to attract any potential
suitors by claiming how girls in her days "knew how to talk" and that
she, unlike Laura, "understood the art of conversation." She explains
to her son, Tom that she and the girls from her time "knew how to
entertain their gentleman callers. It wasn't enough for a girl to be possessed
of a pretty face and a graceful figure-- although I wasn't slighted in either
respect. She also needed wit and a tongue to meet all occasions"
(Williams, 682).
Amanda also tries
to condition Laura's interests and personality by advising that not only should
she be a good conversationalist but that she also should not be so quiet and
shy and that she ought to be more outgoing and encourages her to get dressed up
and go out rather than stay at home. Amanda asks her, "Laura are you going
to do what I asked you to do, or do I have to get dressed and go out
Rather than
accepting Laura's differences in her personality she tries to adjust her shy
character toward a more charming and vivacious one. While Amanda is helping
Laura get ready for a date with Jim O' Connor, she questions her trembling and
nervousness. Any of Laura's actions that do not fit Amanda's ideals of what it
means to be feminine confuses her: "I don't understand you, Laura. You
couldn't be satisfied with just sitting home, yet whenever I try to arrange
something for you, you seem to resist it." Amanda seems to be frustrated
with any of Laura's differences and does not believe that she should simply be
satisfied with her own individual pastimes, which is sitting at home with her
old records playing and taking care if her glass menagerie. Not only does she
impose social standards on to Laura but she also imposes beauty standards by
enhancing her bosom, stuffing her bra with two powder puffs. She calls them
"Gay Deceivers" and when Laura expresses her refusal to wear them,
Amanda forces her to and insults her by saying, "to be painfully honest,
your chest is flat" (Williams, 705).
By enforcing
gender roles from the very beginning of life many people are growing up to not
fulfill their full potential. As a result, parenthood is a biological
institution "lying under the patriarchal society, which aim to ensure that
all potential on earth, and including women, shall remain under male
control." Through this social conditioning brought on by one’s parents,
daughters are placed in the "subordinate position, where male will always
be the center or the purpose on their life" (Humm, 269).
Simone de Beauvoir
agrees with Humm's claim by stating that "humanity is male, and man
defines woman not in herself but in relation to him; she is not considered as
an autonomous being." By being kept in a position of inferiority through
these types of social conditionings, women have become inferior to men and
because of the emphasis on social conformity, the emancipation of woman has
been seen as a danger that threatens conservative morals and interests. This
social conditioning have created an atmosphere where a man's self-entitlement
allows him to never even have to question his place on earth in comparison to a
woman's. "One of the benefits that oppression gives the oppressors is that
it makes the most humble men among them feel superior... When compared to
women, the most mediocre male can think of himself as a demi-god" (de
Beauvoir, 124-127).
Everything that
Amanda does in preperance for Laura's date with Jim is under the agenda to
please him while there is no focus on Laura's needs or what makes her happy.
She even goes as far as letting Laura take responsibility for the dinner that
she prepared, giving Jim the illusion that Laura actually is this subordinate,
male-serving character. "You know that Laura is in full charge of supper!
It's rare for a girl as sweet an' pretty as Laura to be domestic! But Laura is,
thank heavens, not only pretty but also very domestic." Not only does
Amanda's dialogue between her, Jim and Tom in this scene impose roles toward
women, but it also imposes what a man should be attracted to on women. Amanda selfishly
puts her marriage plans for Laura into play by delivering the most convincing
good impression that she can possibly leave on Jim. (Williams, 711-712).
Amanda does not
mean to lead her daughter toward this path of immanence. As a parent, she has good
intentions and realizes the consequences of straying away from the role as
other. Simone de Beauvoir does not deny these consequences either. She warns
readers that “to refuse to be the Other, to refuse complicity with men, would
require that women renounce all the advantages that alliance with the superior
cast confers upon them” the same way that Amanda warns Laura of the
consequential alternative lifestyle for not conforming to her expectations.
Aside from Amanda’s “barely tolerated spinsters” example, de Beauvoir offers
her own example of a well-known female author who refused to allow her portrait
to appear in a photo series dedicated to female authors. According to de
Beauvoir, she wanted to be included among the men, not solely women “but she used
the influence of her husband to obtain this privilege” making it nearly
impossible to obtain masculine respect and acknowledgement without using her
husband as a means to getting to that position (De Beauvoir, 124-125).
Although there may
be social consequences for not filling the role of other, De Beauvoir also
warns her readers of the more grim metaphysical consequences of not justifying
her existence as a unique individual. She warns the reader, “along with the
economic risk, she also eludes the metaphysical risk of a freedom that must
invent its own ends without help. Indeed, besides the urge of every individual
to affirm himself as subject, which is an ethical urge, there is also the
temptation to flee one’s freedom to become an object.” This temptation that
Amanda has fallen into and urges for her daughter to as well “is a disastrous
path-- passive, alienated, lost; on it one becomes prey to someone else’s will,
cut off from one’s transcendence, defrauded of all worth. But it is an easy
path.” It is an easy path for one such as Amanda whom seems incapable of
developing a personality based on independent thought but voluntarily devlops
one based on oppressive traditional values. Just because Amanda has conformed
to the role of other, however, does not mean that she is any less happy than
someone who has decided to define themselves based on their own exclusive
mindset because to a certain extent, it eliminates some despair as it “evades
the anguish and the stress of taking upon oneself an authentic existence… Woman
does not affirm herself as subject because she does not have the material
resources, because she feels that the bond that ties her to the man is
necessary even if it lacks reciprocity, and because she is often pleased with
her role as the Other” (de Beauvoir, 125).
By allowing Laura
to decide little regarding her own future, Laura's responsibility to define
herself as an individual is being put at risk. By not trusting Laura to make
decisions for herself she is risking her falling into a state of immanence.
Amanda's lack of trust that Laura can lead her own life is evident in the
dialogue between her and her son. Amanda tells Tom, "we have to be making
plans and provisions for her... It frightens me how she just drifts along... I
mean that as soon as Laura has got somebody to take care of her, married, a
home of her own, independent.” This is an ironic use of the word “independent”
because Amanda’s idea of independent is apparently to be completely reliant on
a husband. She continues, “I put her in business college-- a dismal failure! I
took her over to the Young People’s League at the church. Another fiasco. She
spoke to nobody, nobody spoke to her. Now all she does is fool with those
pieces of glass and play those worn-out records. What kind of life is that for
a girl to lead?” (Williams, 696-697).
Amanda focused all
her energy on planning a life out for Laura, rather than focusing on her own
transcendence. It is ironic how much effort she put into finding Laura a
husband because the one gentleman that she found suitable is unavailable. Jim
turns out to be engaged to marry a woman by the name of Betty soon. Amanda
fails to see the error of her ways and blames Tom for the whole disaster since
he was the one who introduced Jim to the family even though he did not even
know about Betty.
Through her negative
criticisms, Amanda offers Laura all but negatives sanctions as a consequence
for her gender/age inappropriate behavior. Through the automatic connotation of
Laura's shy and nervous nature with negativity and silliness, Amanda makes
Laura feel inferior for who she naturally is. Through her parenting tactics,
Amanda's character shows how parenthood can be a primary enforcer of misogyny
within a patriarchal society, as well as an enforcer of all imposed stereotyped
roles of the world. As long as these social oppressions exist, the importance
of being a human being above all the peculiarities that distinguish humans from
one another will rarely take part in shaping humanity to its fullest potential.
Arliss, Laurie. 1990. “Gender
Communication.” New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
De Beauvoir, Simone. “Woman as
The Second Sex.” Traversing Philosophical Boundaries. 3rd
Edition. Hallman, Max O. Belmont, CA:
Thomson Wadsworth, 2007, pg. 121-129.
Humm, Maggie. 1992. “Feminism, A
Reader.” Great Britain: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Tungka, Novalita Francisca &
Darta, Deta Maria Sri. “The Study of Gender Role Socialization
Between the Major Female
Characters in Tennessee William’s The Glass Menagerie.”
Williams, Tennessee. “The Glass
Menagerie.” The Heath Introduction to Drama. 5th Edition.
Miller, Jordan Y. Lexington, Ma.:
D.C. Heath and Company, 1996, pg. 679-728.
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